Since we opened Wildcard Spine and Sport, we’ve made it our mission to cut through the noise of musculoskeletal health, educate patients on the legitimacy of treatments, all while providing the highest level of non-surgical, drug-free care in New York City.
Humans are interesting creatures. Oftentimes, we are fickle about the meaningless and apathetic to the meaningful. We go to church to be seen, emphatically place a check in the offering, but steal a fork from the local restaurant (I’m looking at you, Italian women). We buy the latest and greatest car despite needing a new water heater.
While I'm not an expert in anything outside of chronic joint pain, it's important to look at the facts, avoid emotional judgment, and take a cold, hard look at whether or not carrying more bodyfat can be contributing to your pain.
All they do is temporarily alleviate pain. They are a safer version of Tylenol, Aleve, or Motrin. But, much like those over-the-counter drugs, they do nothing to fix the root cause of your pain. Adjustments function like cortisone shots, or Icy Hot. You'll be using them forever because you'll never solve the real issue.
Therefore, if you can find a way to prevent senescence or even REDUCE senescence, you will give yourself a better chance to live a longer, healthier life! What research is finding is that by killing senescent cells, your body stimulates STEM cell production, helping to regenerate tissue.