Our primary tool for removing adhesion and restoring degenerated tissues. Shockwave therapy uses sound energy to “melt” adhesion. Shockwave therapy removes adhesion 2-3 times faster than manual or instrument adhesion release. It also enables us to remove more scar tissue per session. We are also able to access greater levels of depth in your body to remove hard to reach adhesion with Shockwave treatments.
Shockwave therapy treatments can also kill senescent cells. These zombie cells are too unhealthy to function, but not unhealthy enough to signal cellular destruction. When a shockwave treatment kills these cells, your own body stimulates regeneration. This is a powerful tool to avoid surgery for degenerated discs, cartilage, bony endplates, and tendons.
At Wildcard Spine and Sport, we specialize in fixing pain that’s lasted longer than six months, even if you’ve seen two or more providers. We are the only practitioners in the five boroughs certified to diagnose and remove adhesion. Click the button below or call the office today at 917-908-0055.