Trigger Finger


Trigger finger is a condition in which a tendon of one of your fingers becomes inflamed. This inflammation, over long periods of time, causes a fibrous nodule to develop. This fibrous nodule can become stuck as your fingers move!


The hallmark symptom of a trigger finger is the distinct "stickiness" of the finger while in a bent position. You will report being able to bend your finger, but have difficulty straightening it out. It requires more force than usual and you may even hear a popping sound. You may also feel pain in the finger, wrist, hand, or even the forearm.


As with most conditions treated at Wildcard, overuse is the main culprit. Patients with trigger finger do highly repetitive motions daily. Mechanics, plumbers, massage therapists, electricians, or anyone that uses tools frequently.

What to expect

It is important to get this treated as soon as any symptoms begin to develop in order to avoid surgical intervention. If caught early, non-invasive treatments like MAR, IAR, and Shockwave Therapy can be deployed. If left untreated, your tendon may tear, leaving you unable to use your finger unless it's surgically repaired.

Home treatment

The best home treatment is prevention. Ensure that your finger, wrist, and hand flexibility is full. Use this test to measure your wrist, hand, and finger flexibility. Use this movement to improve range of motion if you're limited.

Our intervention

Shockwave therapy is, by far, the best non-surgical intervention for trigger finger. With shockwave, we can make timely improvements to your wrist, hand, and finger flexibility. Once full range is restored, we can then provide direct treatment to your finger, breaking down the enlarged tendon, reducing adhesion, and regenerating the tendon.

Schedule an appointment

At Wildcard Spine and Sport, we specialize in fixing pain that’s lasted longer than six months, even if you’ve seen two or more providers. We are the only practitioners in the five boroughs certified to diagnose and remove adhesion. Click the button below or call the office today at 917-908-0055.

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